Flexibility and independence for your video conferences.
Secure video conferencing for those who want to remain digitally confident.

Accessibility statement

This accessibility statement applies to the website https://opentalk.eu/.

OpenTalk is committed to making the website accessible in accordance with legal requirements, in particular Directive (EU) 2016/2102 and the Barrier-Free Information Technology Ordinance (BITV 2.0).

Status of compliance with requirements

The website https://opentalk.eu/ has been checked for accessibility, most recently in October 2024. Based on these results, the website is currently not fully accessible.

The barriers identified include, but are not limited to:

  • Interactive elements: Some buttons and links are not marked up correctly for screen readers (missing or insufficient โ€œariaโ€ attributes).
  • Graphics: Not all images have suitable alternative texts.
  • Contrasts: Some text and background combinations do not meet the minimum color contrast requirements.
  • Keyboard operation: Certain interactive elements are not or only partially accessible via keyboard.

Creation and update of the declaration

This declaration was created on February 18, 2025 and last updated.

Feedback and contact

If you notice any barriers on our website or require further information on the implementation of accessibility, please contact our team:

We welcome your feedback and will respond to you as quickly as possible.

Conciliation procedure

If you are still not satisfied after reporting a problem, you can contact the conciliation body (an organ of self-regulation of the German media industry) in accordance with Section 16 of the BGG. You can find more information at www.schlichtungsstelle-bgg.de.

Thank you for your understanding and for helping us to improve the accessibility of our website.

Sie erreichen uns unter:

OpenTalk GmbH

Schwedter Str. 9a

10119 Berlin

Telefon: +49 (0)30 40 50 51 - 67

Fax: +49 (0)30 40 50 51 - 19

E-Mail: mail@opentalk.eu