OpenTalk is the secure video conferencing solution for businesses of all sizes. Digital sovereignty and data protection made in Germany.
OpenTalk provides a comprehensive set of features for business communication. It has been optimized for organizing and running meetings in a structured way.
Useful features like a session agenda, meeting recording, talking stick, auto moderation support the moderator with the management of a meeting. The built-in voting feature helps to make decisions that are compliant with legal requirements.
OpenTalk scales for small, medium and large setups. Our intuitive solution integrates seamlessly into your environment, for instance by allowing video streams to be embedded in your internal web pages.
Open APIs take this a step further with the provisioning of new users and rooms, and management options for groups and access permissions.
OpenTalk can be branded to fit your corporate design to provide an "at-home feeling" to the user.
Data Protection
OpenTalk has been designed with privacy and security in mind. In contrast to other products or cloud services, OpenTalk can be operated on your own premises or on our servers in Germany. Token-based authentication, security zones, end-to-end encryption, and optimized data management enable users to act with digital sovereignty.

„At last, no more headaches about security. With OpenTalk, I know exactly who has access to what. I love the intuitive user interface and moderation features.“
Selected features for Companies & NGOs
The Dashboard presents important information in a structured fashion. This includes all scheduled meetings (your own and those you are invited to attend), clearly presented and arranged in a calendar view.
Recurring or important meetings can be highlighted and accessed through dashboard shortcuts. New meetings can be created instantly, using predefined templates.
Waiting Room
Moderators can decide if participants will join a conference session automatically, or whether they need to be admitted manually from the lobby. The event console will tell moderators if there is anyone waiting to join.
Participants can confirm the performance of their current Internet connection and check and configure the functionality of their camera, microphone, or speaker in the lobby, before joining the actual video conference.
Screen sharing
Participants can share individual program windows or their entire screen with the audience. The speaker video will remains visible when sharing. OpenTalk also supports parallel screen sharing by multiple participants.
Talking stick
There is a debating technique where the person who holds the "talking stick" is the only one allowed to speak, until they pass it on to the next person. They can express their thoughts properly, and there is no risk of interruption while they have the talking stick. When finished, they nominate the next speaker by passing on the stick.
With this feature, even difficult or emotional debates with many participants can be conducted in a calm, structured, and constructive manner. It also promotes inclusiveness, as those who may find it more difficult than others to speak up are encouraged to offer their contribution.
Breakout rooms
If a conference requires discussion to continue in smaller groups, OpenTalk will assist with the setup of break-out rooms and the assigning of participants. Rooms can be automatically created according to a range of different parameters. When group functions are used, the corresponding group rooms can be prepared in advance and participants assigned automatically.
Meanwhile, the conference moderators have everything under control: They can be called for assistance at any time and visit breakout rooms as required. A central event console gives access to all messages and advanced moderation features.
Runs in the browser
OpenTalk is purely browser-based and does not require any local software to be installed on the client. All common browsers such as Chrome / Chromium, Edge, Firefox or even Brave are supported. Functional limitations apply to Safari on Apple devices, as Apple does not support the WebRTC standard cleanly.
Centralized deployment reduces administration and operational overhead and enables ease of use for internal and external users. Depending on the authorization system, mechanisms such as single sign-on or 2FA are also supported.
Optimal quality
OpenTalk offers excellent image quality even on low-bandwidth Internet connections, using HTML5 and video codecs that are optimized for the Web. For corporate use, that means resource consumption and the additional load that is put on your company's infrastructure is kept low.
OpenTalk's special multiplexing technology ensures best-possible bi-directional audio and image quality for all participants, even in situations where bandwidth is sketchy. Whenever available bandwidth is scarce or traffic expensive (e.g., data roaming), OpenTalk can be set up to operate in an "audio-only" mode.
OpenTalk supports customization of logo and colors to fit your corporte identity. Presets and features can be configured system-wide, client-by-client, or at an individual level, per conference. Giving you the flexibility to brand OpenTalk to suit your needs.
On our roadmap:
Provide background images from the server end to fit your corporate design, to be used by everyone affiliated by default.
Integrated chat
Our chat feature allows users to send messages to single, multiple, or all participants of a session. This also applies to group discussions. Chat groups are set up automatically to help users avoid chatting to the wrong people by mistake.
Our roadmap:
Registered participants will be able to create their own contact lists for preferred chat partners.
Users will also be able to post questions to the moderator while running a group discussion. All participants can then vote up questions for the moderator or podium to see, to help them steer a session effectively and address those topics first that are most relevant to the audience.
Security zones & federation Roadmap
OpenTalk supports the operation of conferences in a cluster of federated conference servers, which enables the creation of security zones. A new conference can be bound to a specific conference server, which hosts the meeting. Participants need to access this specific server to attend the meeting. This way, some conferences can be accessed only from pre-defined locations, such as the computers of your in-house network. Thus, any security-sensitive content will be protected by an additional level of security.
On the other hand, open conferences with external participants can be held in a way that optimizes traffic, using video bridge servers that are freely accessible over the Internet.
On-premises or SaaS
Deploy OpenTalk in a way that best fits your needs and circumstances. For total digital sovereignty, OpenTalk can be operated locally, on your own servers, and connected to your local administration interface. Alternatively, get access to OpenTalk through our software-as-a-service (SaaS) arrangement, where we take care of the operation of your conferences. You can rely on the scalable resources and bandwidth available to our video servers, and the fact that we will always keep the software up to date, and run the system within a hardened security environment.
A third option is a mixed mode operation, where we provide the control and authentication of OpenTalk as a service, and a video bridge in your own network is then used for running the actual conference. This keeps network traffic and bandwidth parameters at the local level and ensures that any security-sensitive conference data never leaves your premises.
Your contact for businesses and enterprises