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A deployment of OpenTalk is capable of handling multiple completely separated organizations, named tenant. Inside such a system, each tenant is handled the same way as if they had a separate deployment. Some exceptions to that rule exist though, e.g. all login information for OpenTalk is supplied by the same identity provider.

By default, OpenTalk is configured that only a single, automatically created, tenant named OpenTalkDefaultTenant exists. Therefore instances where tenants don't matter need no extra configuration.


The section in the configuration file is called tenants.

FieldTypeRequiredDefault valueDescription
assignmentstringno"static"The method used to assign tenants. Either "static" or "by_external_tenant_id".
static_tenant_idstringno"OpenTalkDefaultTenant"The tenant id used in the database when assignment is "static".
external_tenant_id_user_attribute_namestringno"tenant_id"The attribute by which external user search is restricted to a tenant.

Setting assignment to "static" (which is the default value), disables tenancy in the deployment. From a technical view, this is implemented by having one default tenant containing all users. This tenant exists in the database and is named by the value of static_tenant_id with "OpenTalkDefaultTenant" being the default value.

In order to use multiple tenants, assignment must be set to "by_external_tenant_id". This requires the tenant_id field in the authentication information sent by KeyCloak. Whenever a user logs in with a tenant_id that is unknown to the OpenTalk controller, a new entry for this tenant is created in the database. Because of that, the command-line tooling provides no option for adding tenants to the database.

If the find endpoint allows searching users on the KeyCloak, then the results found on the KeyCloak will be filtered by the tenant of the currently logged-in user. The KeyCloak attribute used for filtering is defined by the value of external_tenant_id_user_attribute_name which defaults to "tenant_id". ⚠️ Beware that this only affects the search which is performed through the KeyCloak Web API, so that the name of the KeyCloak attribute is not enforced there, in contrast to the JWT claim which must always be configured as tenant_id.

Example configurations

Configuration for using a static tenant assignment

This is the default configuration that is applied by OpenTalk when no [tenants] section exists in the configuration file.

assignment = "static"
static_tenant_id = "OpenTalkDefaultTenant"

Configuration for using tenant functionality

assignment = "by_external_tenant_id"
external_tenant_id_user_attribute_name = "tenant_id"

opentalk-controller tenants subcommand

This subcommand is used to manage tenants.

Help output looks like this:

Manage existing tenants

Usage: opentalk-controller tenants <COMMAND>

list List all available tenants
set-oidc-id Change a tenants oidc-id
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

-h, --help Print help

opentalk-controller tenants list subcommand

List all available tenants

Usage: opentalk-controller tenants list

-h, --help Print help

opentalk-controller tenants set-oidc-id subcommand

Change a tenants oidc-id

Usage: opentalk-controller tenants set-oidc-id <ID> <NEW_OIDC_ID>


-h, --help Print help