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OpenTalk HTTP server

The OpenTalk Controller provides its service to clients through a built-in HTTP server.

Services provided:


The section in the configuration file is called http.

FieldTypeRequiredDefault valueDescription
portuintno11311TCP port number where the HTTP server can be reached
tlsTLS configurationno-When present, the HTTP server will use TLS, when absent it will serve under a plain connection

TLS configuration

FieldTypeRequiredDefault valueDescription
certificatestringyes-Path to the file containing the TLS certificate in DER-encoded x.509 format
private_keystringyes-Path to the file containing the private TLS key in pkcs8 format


Plain HTTP

port = 80


port = 443

certificate = "/etc/ssl/certs/example.org.pem"
private_key = "/etc/ssl/keys/example.org.key"