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The OpenTalk Controller uses PostgreSQL database.


The section in the configuration file is called database.

FieldTypeRequiredDefault valueDescription
urlstringyes-Database URL connection, with specified username, password, and database name
max_connectionsuintno100Maximum number of connection allowed to the database server


Default with URL

url = "postgres://postgres:password123@localhost:5432/opentalk"

With Maximum Connections

url = "postgres://postgres:password123@localhost:5432/opentalk"
max_connections = 50

opentalk-controller migrate-db subcommand

This subcommand is used to migrate the database to the currently installed controller version.

The following two examples show how to manually migrate the database:

opentalk-controller migrate-db

Help output looks like this:

Migrate the db. This is done automatically during start of the controller, but can be done without starting the controller using this command

Usage: opentalk-controller migrate-db

-h, --help Print help