
Welcome to the OpenTalk knowledge base
Welcome to OpenTalk! On these pages you will find all the important information you need to successfully take the first steps in OpenTalk, to be able to flexibly fix technical problems yourself and to be able to answer frequently asked questions. You will also find the installation instructions and other useful technical documentation here.
Table of contents:
- User Guide: Designed to help OpenTalk users better understand all available features and how to use them.
- Frequently Asked Questions: Lists all frequently asked questions from users, admins and buyers.
- Troubleshooting: Here you will find the most typical technical problems that can occur during a video conference and how to fix them quickly.
- Technical documentation Here admins and developers are helped how they can host OpenTalk themselves or even contribute to the source code themselves.
- Further links: Here you will find further useful links, such as an overview of all plans, vacancies and press releases.
- Contact: Here you will find our contact form to contact us about technical problems, sales inquiries or general concerns.
What is OpenTalk?
OpenTalk is a video conferencing solution for everyone who likes to work together safely and securely but also efficiently virtually. Made in Germany, OpenTalk is open source and can be used flexibly by authorities, companies, educational institutions and NGOs.
How can I use OpenTalk?
OpenTalk can be self-hosted or used as Software as a Service. There is also a community license for the developer community.
OpenTalk as a Service (OTaaS) The OpenTalk online offer is aimed at customers who do not want to run OpenTalk on their own systems - GDPR-compliant and hosted in Germany. Here you can simply register and get started immediately. A software installation on the client is not required. Simply go to meet.opentalk.eu in your browser and log in with your account.
Opentalk on Premise (OTPrem) The Enterprise Edition is aimed at organizations that want to operate a professional solution including manufacturer support in their own data center. In addition to extended functions, automated deployment, scaling based on containerization, monitoring and direct integration into the company infrastructure are offered. The installation instructions for Enterprise Edition customers are available via a protected access. If you have any questions, please contact our Sales.
Community License With the Community Edition, OpenTalk underlines its commitment to open source. It is intended for private and semi-professional use (single server system with a limited number of users) and has all the essential functions of a modern video conference solution. The installation is described for technically experienced users and administrators here (Linux knowledge required). We also provide the source code on the OpenCoDE.de platform under the European Public License. , so that full transparency is created.