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Tariffs in OpenTalk can be created, edited, and deleted with the commandline using opentalk-controller tariffs <COMMAND>.

opentalk-controller tariffs subcommand

This subcommand is used to manage tariffs.

Help output looks like this:

Manage tariffs

Usage: opentalk-controller tariffs <COMMAND>

list List all available tariffs
create Create a new tariff
delete Delete a tariff by name
edit Modify an existing tariff
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

-h, --help Print help


List All Tariffs

Run opentalk-controller tariffs list to show all existing tariffs.

Create a New Tariff

Run opentalk-controller tariffs create <TariffName> <ExternalTariffId> to create a new tariff.

Create a new tariff

Usage: opentalk-controller tariffs create [OPTIONS] <TARIFF_NAME> <EXTERNAL_TARIFF_ID>

<TARIFF_NAME> Name of the tariff
<EXTERNAL_TARIFF_ID> Eternal ID to map to the tariff

--disabled-modules <DISABLED_MODULES> Comma-separated list of modules to disable
--disabled-features <DISABLED_FEATURES> Comma-separated list of features to disable
--quotas <QUOTAS> Comma-separated list of key=value pairs
-h, --help Print help

Delete an Existing Tariff

Run opentalk-controller tariffs delete <TariffName> <ExternalTariffId> to delete an existing tariff.

Delete a tariff by name

Usage: opentalk-controller tariffs delete <TARIFF_NAME>

<TARIFF_NAME> Name of the tariff to delete

-h, --help Print help

Edit an Existing Tariff

Run opentalk-controller tariffs edit <TariffName> to edit an existing tariff.

Help output looks like this:

Modify an existing tariff

Usage: opentalk-controller tariffs edit [OPTIONS] <TARIFF_NAME>

<TARIFF_NAME> Name of the tariff to modify

--set-name <SET_NAME>
Set a new name
--add-external-tariff-ids <ADD_EXTERNAL_TARIFF_IDS>
Comma-separated list of external tariff_ids to add
--remove-external-tariff-ids <REMOVE_EXTERNAL_TARIFF_IDS>
Comma-separated list of external tariff_ids to remove
--add-disabled-modules <ADD_DISABLED_MODULES>
Comma-separated list of module names to add
--remove-disabled-modules <REMOVE_DISABLED_MODULES>
Comma-separated list of module names to remove
--add-disabled-features <ADD_DISABLED_FEATURES>
Comma-separated list of feature names to add
--remove-disabled-features <REMOVE_DISABLED_FEATURES>
Comma-separated list of feature names to remove
--add-quotas <ADD_QUOTAS>
Comma-separated list of key=value pairs to add, overwrites quotas with the same name
--remove-quotas <REMOVE_QUOTAS>
Comma-separated list of quota keys to remove
-h, --help
Print help

These subcommand options enable the modification of tariff names, external tariff IDs, disabled modules and features as well as quotas.