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OpenTalk SMTP-Mailer

The OpenTalk SMTP-Mailer is a service whose main purpose is to send out E-mail invites, updates and cancellations of meetings.

Deploy SMTP-Mailer

The SMTP-Mailer has to be configured and started separately.

You can clone the repository and build the Docker image yourself or download the image directly from the Container Registry.

Configure the SMTP-Mailer, you can refer to its example config. Note that the Controller and Mailer have to use the same rabbitmq service.


The SMTP-Mailer configuration is part of the rabbitmq section in the configuration file.

FieldTypeRequiredDefault valueDescription
mail_task_queuestringno-The rabbitmq queue name for the SMTP-Mailer. The SMTP-Mailer configuration has the same field and needs to have the same queue name.


Default Setup

url = "amqp://username:password@host/%2F"
mail_task_queue = "opentalk_mailer"