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The Automoderation feature allows one to let the server organize a discussion (e.g. manage queue of speakers, select new speakers, etc.)

Kinds of operation

The automoderation feature uses a state machine which, depending on the configuration drive the state of the conference. The core concept is a selection strategy:

There are 4 strategies:

  • none
  • playlist
  • random
  • nomination

Additionally there is a set of config option that need to be set when the automod feature is started.

show_listWhen true, the module will relay information about the last and upcoming speakers to the frontend.
consider_hand_raiseWhen true, the module will add the participant raising their hand to the playlist.
time_limitTime limit each speaker has before its speaking status get revoked
allow_double_selectionDepending on the selection_strategy this will prevent participants to become speaker twice in a single automod session
animation_on_randomWhen true, the frontend will play an animation when a random selection is being made.
allow_listDepending on the selection strategy, the list of Participant that can be chosen from.
playlistOrdered list of queued participants.

The selection of the first speaker must be done by the frontend then, depending of the selection_strategy, the automod module will continue running until finished or stopped.

Once the active speaker yields or their time runs out, their automod module is responsible to select the next speaker (if the selection_strategy requires it). This behavior MUST only be executed after ensuring that this participant is in fact still the speaker.

If the participant leaves while being speaker, its automod-module must execute the same behavior as if the participants simply yielded without selecting the next one (which would be required for the "nominate" selection_strategy. A moderator has to intervene in this situation).

Moderators will always be able to execute a re-selection of the current speaker regardless of the selection_strategy.

Selection Strategy: None

No automatic reselection happens after the current speaker yields. The next one must always be selected by the moderator. The moderator may choose a participant directly or let the controller choose one randomly. For that the controller holds a allow_list which is a set of participants which are able to be randomly selected. Furthermore the controller will hold a list of start/stop speaker events. That list can be used to avoid double selections (option) when randomly choosing a participant.

In this selection strategy the following holds.

  • allow_list is used to describe the pool of valid manual selection targets.
  • playlist is not used.

Selection Strategy: Playlist

The playlist-strategy requires a playlist of participants. This list will be stored ordered inside the controller. Whenever a speaker yields the controller will automatically choose the next participant in the list to be the next speaker.

A moderator may choose to skip over a speaker. That can be done by selecting the next one or let the controller choose someone random from the playlist. The playlist can, while the automod is active, be edited.

In this selection strategy the following holds.

  • allow_list is not used.
  • playlist is a ordered list of participants which will get used to select the next participant when yielding.

It is also used as a pool to select participants randomly from (moderator command select).

Selection Strategy: Random

This strategy behaves like None but will always choose the next speaker randomly from the allow_list as soon as the current speaker yields.

In this selection strategy the following holds.

  • allow_list is used to describe the pool of valid selection targets.
  • playlist is not used.

Selection Strategy: Nomination

This strategy behaves like None but requires the current speaker to nominate the next participant to be speaker. The nominated participant MUST be inside the allow_list and if double selection is not enabled the controller will check if the nominated participant already was a speaker.

In this selection strategy the following holds.

  • allow_list is used to describe the pool of valid manual selection targets.
  • playlist is not used.

Joining the room


When joining a room, the join_success control event contains the module-specific fields decribed below.


configPublicConfigyesConfiguration of the auto-moderation
speakerstringnoThe currently active speaker

PublicConfig fields:

selection_strategyenumyesSee the same field in Start
issued_bystringyesSee the same field in Start
show_listboolyesSee the same field in Start
consider_hand_raiseboolyesSee the same field in Start
time_limitintnoSee the same field in Start
allow_double_selectionboolyesSee the same field in Start
animation_on_randomboolyesSee the same field in Start
auto_append_on_joinboolyesSee the same field in Start
historystring[]noSee the same field in Start
remainingstring[]noSee the same field in Start
"config": {
"selection_strategy": "none",
"show_list": true,
"consider_hand_raise": false,
"time_limit": 10000,
"allow_double_selection": false,
"animation_on_random": true,
"auto_append_on_join": false,
"allow_list": ["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"],
"playlist": ["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"]
"speaker": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"


When joining a room, the joined control event sent to all other participants contains the module-specific fields decribed below.


Commands are issued by a participant to start or interact with a automod session.



The Start message can be send by a moderator (or user with the correct permissions) to start a automod session.


actionenumyesMust be "start"
selection_strategyenumyesMust be one of "none", "playlist", "random", "nomination"The used selection strategy
show_listboolyesWhen true, the module will relay information about the last and upcoming speakers to the frontend.
consider_hand_raiseboolyesWhen true, the module will add the participant raising their hand to the playlist
time_limitintnoTime limit in milliseconds speaker has before its speaking status get revoked
allow_double_selectionboolyesDepending on selection_strategy this will prevent participants to become speaker twice in a single automod session
animation_on_randomboolyesWhen true, the frontend will play an animation when a random selection is being made
auto_append_on_joinboolyesWhen true, joining participants are automatically added to the speaker list
allow_liststring[]noValid ParticipantIdsDepending on selection_strategy, the list of Participant that can be chosen from.
playliststring[]noValid ParticipantIdsOrdered list of queued participants
"action": "start",
"selection_strategy": "none",
"show_list": true,
"consider_hand_raise": false,
"time_limit": 10000,
"allow_double_selection": false,
"animation_on_random": true,
"auto_append_on_join": false,
"allow_list": ["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"],
"playlist": ["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"]



A Started message is sent to all participants that are currently in the room.


Stop the currently active automoderation session.


actionenumyesMust be "stop".
"action": "stop",


A Stopped message with the stopped_by_moderator reason is sent to all participants that are currently in the room.


Set either the allow_list or playlist or both.


actionenumyesMust be "edit".
allow_liststring[]noValid ParticipantId
playliststring[]noValid ParticipantId

Setting the allowlist to contain the zero participantId and the playlist to be empty

"action": "edit",
"allow_list": ["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"],
"playlist": []


Setting the allowlist to contain the zero and one participantId. The playlist is not changed

"action": "edit",
"allow_list": ["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001"]


A Remaining Updated message is sent to all participants that are currently in the room.


Select a user to be active speaker.


actionenumyesMust be "select,.
howenumyesMust be one of "none", "random,, "next", "specific".
participantstringwhen how == specificValid ParticipantId
keep_in_remainingboolwhen how == specificIf true the selected participant will not be removed from either the allow- or playlist

Select a specific speaker

"action": "select",
"how": "random"

Select a specific speaker

"action": "select",
"how": "specific",
"participant": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"keep_in_remaining": true



Depending on the configuration a Speaker Updated or a Start Animation event is sent in response to this action. When a Start Animation event is sent, a Speaker Update follows.


User yields their speaker status.


actionenumyesMust be "yield".
nextstringnoValid ParticipantIdIn some cases a user must select the next participant to be speaker. This is the case when the strategy is "nomination"
"action": "yield",
"next": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",


Depending on the configuration a Speaker Updated or a Start Animation event is sent in response to this action. When a Start Animation event is sent, a Speaker Update follows.


Events are received by participants when the automod session state is changed.


Signals the start of an automod session.


messageenumyesMust be "started"
selection_strategyenumyesMust be one of "none", "playlist", "random", "nomination"The used selection strategy
issued_bystringyesValid ParticipantIdThe ID of the participant who started the automoderation session
show_listboolyesWhen true, the module will relay information about the last and upcoming speakers to the frontend
consider_hand_raiseboolyesWhen true, the module will add the participant raising their hand to the playlist
time_limitintnoTime limit in milliseconds speaker has before its speaking status get revoked
allow_double_selectionboolyesDepending on selection_strategy this will prevent participants to become speaker twice in a single automod session
animation_on_randomboolyesWhen true, the frontend will play an animation when a random selection is being made
auto_append_on_joinboolyesWhen true, joining participants are automatically added to the speaker list
historystring[]noValid ParticipantIdsOptional modification of the history. If set the frontend MUST replace its history with the given one. If not set the frontend MUST keep its current history.
remainingstring[]noValid ParticipantIdsOptional modification of the remaining participants. Remaining participants must be interpreted differently depending on the selection strategy. E.g. in the playlist strategy, remaining lists the participants left inside the playlist. All other strategies will use remaining (if at all) to list all participants (if public) that are eligible to be selected. This will only be set if selection_strategy is set to "playlist". If set, the frontend MUST replace its list with the given one. If not set, the frontend MUST keep its current remaining list
"message": "started",
"selection_strategy": "none",
"issued_by": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"show_list": true,
"consider_hand_raise": false,
"time_limit": 5000,
"allow_double_selection": false,
"animation_on_random": true,
"auto_append_on_join": false,
"history": [
"remaining": [



Signals the end of an automod session.


messageenumyesIs "stopped".
reasonenumyes"stopped_by_moderator" or "session_finished".
issued_bystringnoThe participant ID of the moderator who issues the Stopped command and it's only present for "stopped_by_moderator".

Stopped by a moderator:

"message": "stopped",
"reason": "stopped_by_moderator",
"issued_by": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"

Session finished:

"message": "stopped",
"reason": "session_finished"

Speaker Updated

The current speaker has been updated.

This event will ALWAYS notify of a speaker change, even if the speaker is the same participant as before, it MUST be handled as changed.

Both history and remaining: If the field is set it will contains the complete new list. If it doesn't exist it must be treated as unchanged.


messageenumyesIs "speaker_updated".
historystring[]noValid ParticipantIdsOptional modification of the history. If set, the frontend MUST replace its history with the given one. If not set the frontend MUST keep its current history.
remainingstring[]noValid ParticipantIdsOptional modification of the remaining participants. Remaining participants must be interpreted differently depending on the selection strategy. E.g. in the playlist moderation remaining lists the participants left inside the playlist. All other strategies will use remaining (if at all) to list all participants (if public) that are eligible to be selected. This will only be set when using the "playlist" selection_strategy. If set the frontend MUST replace its remaining list with the given one. If not set the frontend MUST keep its current remaining list.
"message": "speaker_updated",
"speaker": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"history": [],
"remaining": [


Remaining Updated

The remaining list has been updated

A modification of the remaining list has taken place, because someone edited the list by hand or it got modified because a participant left/joined.


messageenumyesIs "remaining_updated".
remainingstring[]yesValid ParticipantIds

Stopped with valid results:

"message": "remaining_updated",
"remaining": [


Start Animation

Tell the frontend to start the animation for random selection. The animation must yield the result specified by this message.


messageenumyesIs "start_animation".
poolstring[]yesValid ParticipantIds
resultstringyesValid ParticipantId
"message": "start_animation",
"pool": [],
"result": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"


The error event is a message that may be triggered by syntactically correct but invalid commands inside the automod namespace and therefore could be considered a kind of response. Errors must be handled outside of any context as they are considered events that can happen at any time. (e.g. an internal error may occur at any time to signal an internal problem)


messageenumyesIs "error".
errorenumyesExhaustive list of error strings, see table below
invalid_selectionThe selection made by the frontend was invalid. Can originate from the "start", "yield" or "select" command.
insufficient_permissionsThe issued command can only be issued by a moderator, but the issuer isn't one.
session_already_runningAttempted to start a new session when another active session is already running.


"message": "error",
"error": "invalid_selection"