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The OpenTalk Recorder is capable of streaming into different sinks. A sink can be a MP4 file, Display, or RTMP stream.


The section in the configuration file is called recorder.

FieldTypeRequiredDefault valueDescription
sinkstringno"mp4"The sink where the recorder should stream to
rtmp_uriintyes*-The location for the rtmp sink
rtmp_audio_bitrateintno96000The audio bitrate for the rtmp sink
rtmp_audio_rateintno48000The audio rate for the rtmp sink
rtmp_video_bitrateintno6000The video bitrate for the rtmp sink
rtmp_speed_presetstringno"fast"The video speed preset for the rtmp sink

*rtmp_uri is only required when the sink rtmp is in use.


Example with mp4 sink (default behaviour)

The Display sink can be used to stream from the recorder to a mp4 file.

sink = "mp4"

Example with display sink

The Display sink can be used to stream from the recorder to a display.

sink = "display"

Example with rtmp sink

The RTMP sink can be used to stream from the recorder to an external rtmp server. rtmp_uri is optionally replacing the $room variable with the current room id.

sink = "rtmp"
rtmp_uri = "rtmp://localhost:1935/live/$room live=1"
# optional for the rtmp sink:
#rtmp_audio_bitrate = 96000
#rtmp_audio_rate = 48000
#rtmp_video_bitrate = 6000
#rtmp_video_speed_preset = fast